
By the end of the summer

The kit includes checking your hormone levels for

  There are a number of ways to find out more about your fertility these days — including from several at-home fertility test startups that have started to pop up in the last few years. Modern Fertility hopes to soon operate in much the same way, but with a more affordable option for testing 10 key hormones affecting women’s fertility.

  Though Modern Fertility’s at-home test won’t be available till later this year, you can pre-order it on their website for $149 — though the price will go up after the pre-order at a yet-to-be determined date. Should you want to get started now, the startup also offers the comprehensive screening through a lab near you, though it’s not clear what the price is for that.

  The kit includes checking your hormone levels for:

  Anti-mullerian hormone (AMH)

  Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)

  Estradiol (E2)

  Luteinizing hormone (LH)

  Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH)

  Free thyroxine (FT4)

  progesterone (p4)

  prolactin (pRL)

  Free Testosterone (Free T)

  Total Testosterone (T)

  Modern Fertility competitor Future Family, a startup offering financing options for egg freezing and IVF procedures, also sells two separate fertility tests you can take at home. The first test kit goes for $300 and includes the three most key hormone tests: AMH, FSH and E2. Future Family’s second test, Fertility Age Test plus, includes testing for the first three hormones and three tests for thyroid dysfunctions TSH, TpO (thyroperoxidase) and T3/T4. (triiodothironine and thyroxine levels) for a similar price.

  Everlywell, a startup offering myriad home health tests, includes a similarly comprehensive fertility kit as Modern Fertility for $400, but with 11 hormone tests — and not all of them are the same ones.




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